The Commission was established under the Judges Act, to inquire into the adequacy of the salaries and other amounts payable under the Act and into the adequacy of judges' benefits generally. The Commission will report to the Minister of Justice by May 31, 2000.

The Commission invites written submissions in either official language concerning the matters within the Commission's mandate. Written submissions must reach the Commission by December 20, 1999, and must be provided in ten copies as well as in electronic format. Copies of written submissions received by the Commission may be obtained by contacting the Executive Director of the Commission at the address noted below. Parties wishing to make comments on the submissions must submit their comments, also in ten copies and electronically, by January 21, 2000.

A party intending to file a written submission with the Commission may also request an opportunity to make a presentation at an oral hearing. The Commission must be notified by January 21, 2000, of the party's desire to appear at an oral hearing.

Copies of the Commission's mandate are available upon request.

Richard Drouin, O.C., Q.C.

Modified: 1999-11-29